USU Service Management Connector for Jira

Integration between USU Service Management (Valuemation) and Jira. Synchronization of Jira Issues and USU Tickets.

Dynamic Mapping

The definition of the Field mappings and Events are configurable on both sides Jira and USU.


Automatic Event-driven synchronization.
JQL Conditions could be used to limit the Events e. g. only for specific Issue Types.

Links to USU Ticket and
back to Jira

The synchronized Issues und USU Tickets
have links to access their counterparts.

More details

Synchronize Jira Issues with USU Tickets in both directions

The synchronization can be event-driven (e.g. when an Issue is created) or manual (by clicking on the button Sync with USU).

The Field mapping is dynamically configurable. You can change the default mapping and extend it with your custom fields.
The events can be extended by a JQL Condition. It is useful when you want to synchronize only some Issues (e.g. with specific Issue Type).
The default configuration covers Issues, Comments and Attachments.
The Connector contains Logging which is available directly via the Jira GUI.
The Connector has two parts: the Jira Plugin and Customization for USU Service Management. The USU Part will be provided by Sykora IT.
You can start with the out of the box configuration, but we highly recommend getting in touch with us to find the best solution for your environment.
With the synchronization you will save time and money by avoiding duplicate inserting of the same data in Jira and USU.